afgangur : remainder, least non-negative residue, principal remainder
afleiða : derivative
algildi : absolute value, length, modulus, norm, numerical value
almengi : universal set
andhverf vörpun : inverse mapping
andhverfa : inverse
andhverfanlegur : invertible, non-singular
andhverfur breiðbogakósínus : inverse hyperbolic cosine
andhverfur breiðbogasínus : area-hyperbolic sine, inverse hyperbolic sine
andhverfur breiðbogatangens : inverse hyperbolic tangent
annars stigs jafna : quadratic equation, quadric
annars stigs margliða : quadratic polynomial
aðfeldi : factorial number
aðfella : asymptote
aðgreinir : discriminant
aðlæg hlið : adjacent side
bakmengi : codomain, latent range, potential range, range, range carrier, target
bil : interval
bogaeining : radian
bogafall : antitrigonometric function
bogalengd : arc length
bogi : arc, circular arc, segment
breiðbogakósínus : hyperbolic cosine
breiðbogasínus : hyperbolic sine
breiðbogatangens : hyperbolic tangent
breiðbogi : hyperbola
brennipunktur : focal point, focus
breytistærð : variable
bútaaðferð : finite element method
diffra : differentiate
diffranlegur : differentiable
diffranleiki : differentiability
diffrun : derivation, differentiation
diffur : differential
diffurjafna : differential equation
diffurvirki : differential operator
efra mark : least upper bound, lowest upper bound, supremum
eigingildi : characteristic value, eigenvalue, proper value
eiginrúm : characteristic space, eigenspace
einhalla : monotonic
einingarhringur : unit circle
einingarvigur : normalized vector, unit vector
eintækur : injective, schlicht, univalent
endapunktur : end point, extremity, extremum, limit of integration
eyðingaraðferð : annihilator method, elimination method
faldmengi : cartesian product, cross product, outer product, product set, set product
fall : function
fasti : constant, constant function
ferill : curve, curved line, line, trajectory
ferningsform : quadratic form
flatarmál : area, measure of area, surface area
fleygbogi : parabola
flæði : flux
flötur : face
formengi : argument domain, domain, domain carrier, index set, latent domain, range of arguments, set of definition, source
framlengja : extend
frumtala : prime number
frumþáttun : prime decomposition
fyllimengi : complement, complementary subset
fólgið fall : implicit function
gagntækur : bijective, one-to-one onto
geisli : radius
gildi : image, value
grennd : neighbourhood
gráða : angular degree, degree, degree of angle, local degree, sexagesimal degree, valency, vertex degree
hallatala : slope
heildanlegur : integrable
heildismark : limit of integration
heiltala : integer
hjúfurhringur : circle of curvature, osculating circle
hjúfurslétta : osculating plane
hliðrun : translation
hliðruð línuleg diffurjafna : inhomogeneous linear differential equation, non-homogeneous linear differential equation
hlutfallspróf : ratio test
hlutheildun : integration by parts, partial integration
hlutmengi : subset
hnit : component
hnitakerfi : coordinate system, system of coordinates
hornafall : trigonometric function, circular function
hornrétt hnit : orthogonal coordinates, rectangular coordinates
hornréttur : perpendicular, orthogonal, normal
hraði : velocity
hringur : circle, circuit, cycle, stigm
hröðun : acceleration
hvel : sphere
hvelfdur : concave
hvelft fall : concave function
hverfipunktur : flex point, inflection point, point of inflection
hálfopið bil : half-open interval, semi-open interval
hæsta gildi : absolute maximum, global maximum, largest value, maximum in the large
hæðarferill : contour line, depth contour, first principal line, height line, isobath, level curve
hæðarflötur : contour surface, level surface
hæðarlína : contour line, depth contour, first principal line, height line, isobath, level curve
innfeldi : dot product, euclidean inner product, hermitian inner product, inner product, scalar product
innri punktur : inner point, interior point
innsetning : change of variables, substitution
innsetningaraðferð : substitution method, integration by substitution
jafna : equation, round
jafnstæður : even
jaðar : boundary, frontier, periphery
jaðarpunktur : boundary point, frontier point
jákvætt ákveðinn : positive definite
kartesk slétta : cartesian plane
keila : cone
keilusnið : conic section
kennijafna : characteristic equation
keðjuregla : chain rule
krappageisli : radius of curvature
krappi : curvature
krossfeldi : cross product, alternating product, exterior product, Grassmann product, outer product, skew product, vector product, wedge product
kvóti : quotient, ratio
kúluhnit : spherical coordinates
kúpt fall : convex function
kúptur : convex
langhlið : hypotenuse
leifastofn : modulus
liða : expand
logri : logarithm
lokað bil : closed interval
lokað mengi : closed set
lotubundinn : periodic
lágvísir : subscript, lower index
lína : straight line, row
línufall : affine function
línuleg diffurjafna : linear differential equation
línulega óháður : linearly independent
línurit : graph
margliða : polynomial, entire rational function
markgildi : limit
meginþverill : first normal, principal normal
mengi : point set
mengjamunur : difference, relative complement, remainder
meðalgildi : average value, expectation, mathematical expectation, mean, mean value
meðalgildissetning : mean value theorem
minni : less, memory, smaller
minni en eða jafn og : less than or equal to
minnkandi : decreasing, antitone, descending, monotonically decreasing, non-increasing
minnsta samfeldi : least common multiple, lowest common multiple, smallest common multiple
mismunaaðferð : difference method, finite difference method
myndmengi : actual range, counterdomain, image, range, right domain
mætti : potential
mótlæg hlið : opposite side
nefnari : denominator
neikvætt ákveðinn : negative definite
náttúrlegur logri : natural logarithm
náttúruleg tala : natural number
núllstöð : root, null, Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with axiom of choice, zero
oddstæður : odd
opið bil : open interval
opið mengi : open set, region
pólhnit : polar coordinates
rauntala : real number
reglulegur : non-singular, regular
reikniaðgerð : algebraic operation, law of composition, operation
runa : sequence, infinite sequence, iteration, progression, run
rætt fall : rational function
ræð tala : rational number
rétthyrndur þríhyrningur : right triangle, right-angled triangle
rétthyrningur : rectangle
rót : root, radix, radical, solution
rótarpróf : root test
rótlaus : irrotational, lamellar, non-rotational
röð : series, infinite series, order
rúmskiki : body
samfelldni : continuity
samfelldur : continuous
samfellt diffranlegur : continuously differentiable
samfellt fall : continuous function
samhverfuás : axis of symmetry
samleitin röð : convergent series
samleitnibil : interval of convergence
samleitnigeisli : radius of convergence
sammengi : union, join
samsemdarvörpun : identity mapping
samskeyting : composite
samskeytt fall : composite function
samsíða : parallel
samsíðungur : parallelogram
setning um fólgin föll : implicit function theorem
skilgreiningarmengi : argument domain, domain, domain carrier, index set, latent domain, range of arguments, set of definition, source
skurðpunktur : point of intersection
snertill : tangent line, tangent vector
snertilína : tangent, tangent line
snertislétta : tangent plane
snertivigur : tangent vector
sniðmengi : intersection, meet
sporaskja : ellipse
stak : element, component, coefficient, entry, member
staðbundið hágildi : local maximum, maximum, maximum in the small, relative maximum
staðbundið lággildi : local minimum, minimum, minimum in the small, relative minimum
staðbundið útgildi : extremum in the small, local extremum, relative extremum
stefna á : converge to
stig : degree, linear rank, local degree, order, valency, vertex degree
stigull : gradient
stikaður ferill : parametric curve
stikun : parametrization
stjörnusvæði : star domain
stofnbrotaliðun : expansion in partial fractions, partial fraction decomposition
stofnfall : antiderivative, primitive
stranglega einhalla : strictly monotone
stranglega minnkandi : strictly decreasing
stranglega vaxandi : strictly increasing
straumlína : flow line, stream line
ströng ójafna : strict inequality, strong inequality
stuðull : coefficient, component, element, entry, member
stytta : reduce, cancel
stærri : greater
stærri eða jafn og : greater than or equal to
stærsti samdeilir : greatest common divisor, greatest element, highest common factor, largest element, maximum element
stöðluð margliða : monic polynomial, normed polynomial
stöðupunktur : critical point, equilibrium point, extremal, singular point, stationary point, vanishing
sundurleitni : divergence
sundurlægir tveir og tveir : mutually exclusive, mutually disjoint, pairwise disjoint
sívalningshnit : cylindrical coordinates
söðulpunktur : saddle point
takmarkaður : bounded
talnalína : numerical axis
tegur : integral, root, solution, solving
teljari : numerator
tvennd : ordered pair, couple, pair
tvinntala : complex number
tvíliðusetning : binomial theorem
tvíliðustuðull : binomial coefficient
tvíþverill : binormal
tvöföld rót : double root
tómamengi : empty set, vacuous set, void set
tölugildi : absolute value, length, modulus, norm, numerical value
tölustærð : scalar
ummyndun : transformation, mapping, record, transform
ummál : circumference, perimeter
undirsumma : lower sum
uppsprettulaus : solenoidal
vaxandi : increasing, ascending, isotone, monotonically increasing, non-decreasing
veldaröð : power series
veldi : power
veldisfall : power function
veldisstofn : base, radix
veldisvísir : exponent, power exponent
veldisvísisfall : exponential function
vigur : vector
vigursvið : vector field
vindingur : second curvature, torsion
vægi : moment, weight
vísamengi : index set
vísitala : index
vörpun : mapping, record, transform, transformation
yfirsumma : upper sum
yrðing : proposition, sentence, statement
áttanlegur : orientable
áttun : orientation
átækur : surjective, onto
óeiginlegt heildi : improper integral
ójafna : inequality
óræð tala : irrational number
óákvarðaður : undetermined
óþættanleiki : indecomposability, irreducibility
önnur rót : square root, second root
þríhyrningur : triangle
þverlína : normal, normal line, perpendicular
þverstæður : perpendicular, orthogonal, normal
þvervigur : normal vector
þáttun : decomposition, partition, resolution, splitting, subdivision
þáttur : component, connected component, factor, maximal connected subgraph